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Institute of Mechatronics has 23 faculty members, including 4 professors, 11 associate professors and 8 lecturers. Major research directions include robotics, mechanical system dynamics, surface interface dynamics, optical-electromechanical detection technology, electromechanical system integration technology, intelligent manufacturing and so on. The Institute has outstanding research achievements, including two First Prizes, three Second Prizes and three Third Prizes of Zhejiang Science and Technology Progress Award. The Institute undertakes more than 22 projects sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China are found, and  have published a large number of high-level papers.

Reasearch Directions

1. Robotics

- Industrial robots for assembly and handling

- Air robots

- Space robots and other special robot technology

- Structure design of robots

- Intelligent control of robots

Wafer handling robot and cleaning machine

Space Tethered robot

2. Dynamics and optimal control of mechanical systems

- Nonlinear stochastic dynamics and optimal control theory of mechanical systems

 - Analysis and testing techinologies for mechanical systems

EMC of industrial robots

3. Optical-electromechanical detection technology

- Optical-electromechanical detection technology

- Performance testing of radio telescope

Optical-electromechanical detection technology

Performance testing of radio telescope

4. Integration technology of electromechanical system

- Modeling and simulation  of mechatronics systems

- Control technology of mechatronics systems

- Design of industrial automation production lines

Data Acquisition System for Power Corrodor

5. Intelligent manufacturing technology

    - Intelligent manufacturing and equipment

    - Computer integrated manufacturing systems

    - Digitalised design and simulation
