学术报告 2019-12-11 AM.




      Title: Self-Morphing 3D Structures: Materials, Manufacturing, and Applications


   Lecturer:  Dr. Jian Lin

       Time:  9:30  in 11th Dec.( Wednesday)

Lecture Venue:  North Building 2, Room 344



Shape transformation phenomena are ubiquitous on every scale of organization in livings: from a single molecule to individual organs. Such phenomena have triggered tremendous enthusiasm in mimicking them in man-made materials, which breeds a class of materials—programmable and responsive materials. Three-dimensional (3D) self-morphing structures with feature sizes crossing length scales ranging from nanometer to centimeter have been widely applied in biomedical devices, soft robotics, microelectromechanical systems, optoelectronics, and energy. To push this promising paradigm to practical applications, development of self-morphing materials and manufacturing of their 3D structures are critical. This talk will discuss some of our works in this emerging research area. First, a few novel self-morphing materials will be reported. Second, 4D printing of these active 3D structures and how machine learning can be applied to 4D printing will be demonstrated. Finally, applications in soft robotics and biomedical devices will be illustrated.


Dr. Jian “Javen” Lin has been an Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy at University of Missouri since 2014. Prior to MU, he was a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science at Rice University from 2011 to 2014. He got a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical and Automation Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2007. Then he studied at University of California-Riverside and received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2010 and 2011, respectively. In 2015, Dr. Lin was awarded the ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award and received emerging young investigator from Journal of Material Chemistry in 2016. He was appointed as Dean William R. Kimel and Mila Kimel Faculty Fellow in Engineering from 2019.

Dr. Lin’s research group dedicates computational and experimental research in advanced manufacturing and materials to promote biomedical, energy, and robotics fields. The research lies in three main clusters: 1) materials development powered by artificial intelligence; 2) programmable materials and devices; 3) autonomous soft robotics. He has published > 65 journal papers (including Nature CommunicationsNano LettersACS NanoAdvanced Materials) with total citation of > 4,900 and 5 issued patents. His research has been widely reported by scientific media such as C&EN, Science Daily, Manufacturing Engineering Magazine, Phys.org, IEEE Spectrum et al.
