




主 讲 人:王谓季   英国萨塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)高级讲师,德蒙福特大学高级讲师,中国科技大学客座教授。南京航空航天大学博士,博士生导师。

Senior Lecturer
Vehicle,  Control  and  Dynamics  Research  Group, Department  of  Engineering  and  Design,  School  of Engineering  and  Design,  University  of  Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QT, UK10/1998-Present
 Guest professor of University of Science and Technology of China  among Top 5 Universities in China (2001- )
Testing and Modelling for Automotive Power Systems
Digital Signal Processing
Engineering Thermodynamics
Engine Testing and Modelling
Design and Manufacture
Introduction to Digital signal Processing
Design, Modelling and Manufacture 3,
Modelling of Automotive Systems
Mechanics of Machines
Finite Element Methods
Dynamics and Vibrations
Mechanics and Materials Laboratory
Vibration Theory and Applications
Design Studies
Signals and Systems
DPhil SUPERVISION Recent/current
1. Application of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (Auday Basheer Essa Al Mayyahi 2013-)
2. Elimination of aircraft landing smoke (Abdurrhman Alroqi 2013-)
3. Greener combustion for petrol engines (Pavlos Dimitriou 2010-2015)
4. Smart Diesel Engines (Chang Li 2010-2015)
5. Engine after treatment for improved emission (Jun Liang 2010-)
6. Security Systems Using Microwave Imaging (Sultan Almazroui 2010-2015)
Steam Trap Condition Monitoring (Chris Poczka 2006-2011) Automotive engine condition monitoring (Liang Tian 2008-2012) Vehicle Suspension Control (Ammar A. Aldair 2008-2012) Automotive turbocharger performance (Gabriella Ascanio 2005-2008) Flapping Wing Propulsion (Andrew Coxall 2000-2003)
Flow Condition Monitoring (Jaechan Kim 2000-2004) Gearbox Conditioning Monitoring (Dajun Chen 1994-1997)
Investigation of NMR imaging distortion (Xianri Huang 1998-2001)
Guangfu Zhang, National University for Defence Technology, China, Starting from Nov 2011-Oct 2012.
Mohammed Al-Maine, Computer Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011, 2013
Fanrang Kong, Professor of University of Science and Technology of China 2001 Mohammed Al-Maine, Computer and Electronics Research Institute, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia 2002
Gangtie Zheng, Professor of Tsinghua University, China 1996 Zhaochang Zheng, Professor of Tsinghua University, China, 1996, 2003.
· Intelligent Modern System Design (i-MOSYDE EU Interreg projrct) 2014-2015 Euro 60,000.
 · Smart Control and Diagnosis for Economical and Clean Engines ( SCODECE EU Interreg project) 2008-2013, Euro 280,000
 · Automotive Tyre Noise Reduction and Energy Utilisation 2010- funded by Royal Commission for Exhibition. Grant £10,000
 · Motor and Pump diagnostics – funded by Allen-Bradley, USA, 2000-2005, £180,000.
 · Investigation in to phase angle distortion of nuclear magnetic resonant scanners, 1998-2003. £60,000 by Oxford Magnet Technology and De Montfort University.
2016 Sultan Almazroui, Weiji Wang, Guangfu Zhang, Microwave imaging for security applications, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 978-3-659-85291-6, ISBN-10: 3659852910, EAN: 9783659852916.
 2013 Liang Tian, Weiji Wang, Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotor Bearing Systems in Automotive Tubochargers, Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN978-3-659-33291-3
2012 Wang, W. and A. Aldar, Smart Controllers for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension Systems, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-24830-6
 2012 Introduction to Digital Signal and System Analysis, ISBN 978-87403-0158-8
 2015 Auday Al-Mayyahi1, Weiji Wang, Phil Birch, Design of Fractional-Order Controller for Trajectory Tracking Control of a Non-holonomic Autonomous Ground Vehicle, Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, DOI 10.1007/s40313-015-0214-2, pp1-14
 2015 Abdurrhman A. Alroqi and Weiji Wang, Comparison of Aircraft Tire Wear with Initial Wheel Rotational Speed, International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, Vol 2, No.1 http://commons.erau.edu/ijaaa/vol2/iss1/2.
 2015 M. A. Al-Manie and W.J.Wang, A Modified S-Transform for EEG Signals Analysis, International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2015) 1550021 (15 pages), World Scientific Publishing Company, DOI: 10.1142/S0219876215500218
 2015 A. Al-Mayyahi, W. Wang, and P. Birch, “Path tracking of autonomous ground vehicle based on fractional order PID controller optimized by PSO,” 2015 IEEE 13th
 International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), Jan. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/sami.2015.7061857.
 2014 A. Al-Mayyahi, W. Wang, and P. Birch, “Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Technique for
 Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation,” Robotics, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 349–370, Nov. 2014.  http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/robotics3040349.
 2014 A. Al-Mayyahi and W. Wang, “Fuzzy inference approach for autonomous ground vehicle navigation in dynamic environment,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on  Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2014), Nov. 2014.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/iccsce.2014.7072684 .
 2014 Pavlos Dimitriou, Weiji Wang, et al. Analysis of Diesel Engine In-Cylinder Air-Fuel Mixing with Homogeneity Factor: Combined Effects of Pilot Injection Strategies and Air Motion, SAE International, doi:10.4271/2014-01-9052, 04 October 2014
2014 Auday Al-Mayyahi, William Wang, Fuzzy Inference Approach for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation in Dynamic Environment, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, 28 - 30 November 2014, Penang, Malaysia, pp34-39

2014 Auday Al-Mayyahi , William Wang and Phil Birch, Adaptive Nero-Fuzzy Technique for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation, Robotics 2014, No. 3, pp349-370
2014 Dimitriou, P., Wang, W., Peng, J., Cheng, L. et al., "Analysis of Diesel Engine In-Cylinder Air-Fuel Mixing with Homogeneity Factor: Combined Effects of Pilot Injection Strategies and Air Motion," SAE Int. J. Engines 7(4):2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-9052.
2014 Abdurrhman.A.Al-Roqi and Weiji Wang, Torque of Rotating Device Prior an Airplane Landing, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb-Mar 2014, ISSN 2091-2730
2014 Weiji Wang, Tyre Noise Reduction using Damping Layer, Lecture Note Series on Computational and Systems Engineering (LCSE), Published Series on: April 2014, ISBN: 978-0-9888498-0-8, pp 27-33, DOI: 10.7508/LCSE-27-33, ©Academic Research Publishers
2013 Mohammed A. Al-Manie and William Wang, Inverse Gabor transform for speech enhancement, Acoustics Australia, Vol.41 No.3, pp225-230.
2013 George Nakis, Weiji Wang, Behaviour and Modification of Steel Structure Buildings in Earthquakes, (2013 International Conference on Materials, Architecture and Engineering Technology (ICMAET 2013), Beijing
2013 Pavlos Dimitrou, Zhijun Peng, Weiji Wang and Abdel Aitouche, Diesel Enging Combustion Optimization for Bio-diesel Blends Using Taguchi and ANOVA Statistical Methods, SAE World Congress, 2013.
2013 Zhijun Peng, Li Cheng, Weiji Wang, Bo Gao and Abdel Aitouche, An ANFIS Solution for Real-Time Control of the EGR & VGT in a Diesel Engine, 2nd International Conference on Energy and Environment Protection, 21-22 April 2013, Guilin, China.(This paper has been selected by Advanced Materials Research Vols. 732-733 (2013))
2013 Dimitriou, P., Peng, Z., Lemon, D., Gao, B. and Soumelidis, M., “Diesel Engine Combustion Optimization for Bio-diesel Blends Using Taguchi and ANOVA Statistical Methods”, SAE paper 2013-24-0011, 2013.
2013 Guangfu Zhang, Weiji Wang et. Al., ENERGY ESTIMATION BASED TR-MUSIC MICROWAVE IMAGING FOR EXTENDED TARGETS, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 47, 107{126, 2013}
2012 Sultan Almazroui, Weiji Wang, Guangfu Zhang, Microwave Imaging Using Sub-Space Based TR-MUSIC Method for Security Applications, Journal of Information Organization Volume 2 Number 1 March 2012, pp28-36
2012 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang , A neurofuzzy controller for full vehicle active suspension systems Journal of Vibration and Control, 18(12) 1837–1854 (IF 1.0)
2012 L. Tian and W.J. Wang, Z. Peng, Nonlinear effects of unbalance in the rotor-floating
ring bearing system of turbochargers, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
Available online 4 September 2012, in press.
2012 Weiji Wang, Resolution Enhancement by Significant Bandwidth, Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS 2012), Shanghai, Aug 2012. pp167-179
2012 L. Tian and W.J. Wang, Z. Peng, Effects of bearing outer clearance on the dynamic behaviours of the full floating ring bearing supported turbocharger rotor, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 31 (2012) 155–175 (IF 1.82)
2011 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang.” Design an Intelligent Controller for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension Systems” International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2011, pp. 224-243.
2011 L. Tian and W.J. Wang, Z. Peng, Dynamic behaviours of a full floating ring bearing supported turbocharger rotor with engine excitation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 330, No. 20 pp4851-4874, (IF 1.588), Elsevier Science. ISSN: 0022-460X, Published eaddress http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022460X11003312
2011 A. Aldair & W. Wang, Design Neural Control System for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension with Hydraulic Actuators, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJRRCS) for Vol. 2, No 2, 2011, pp266-274, 2011
2011 Zhijun Peng, Bin Liu, Weiji Wang and Lipeng Lu, CFD Investigation into Diesel PCCI Combustion with Optimized Fuel Injection, Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2011, 4, 517-531.
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang.” FPGA Based Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Controller for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension Systems”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol. 1, No. 4, October 2010, pp. 1-15.
http://airccse.org/journal/ijaia/currentissue.html .
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang.” Design of Fractional Order Controller Based on Evolutionary Algorithm for a Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension Systems” International Journal for Control and Automation (IJCA), Vol. 3, No. 4, December, 2010,
pp.33-46. http://www.sersc.org/journals/IJCA/vol3_no4.php .
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang.” Design Neural Control System for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension with Hydraulic Actuators” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Vol.2, No. 2, March-April 2011, ISSN
No. 0976-5697, pp. 266- 274. http://www.ijarcs.info/?wicket:inter>
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang.” The Energy Regeneration of Electromagnetic Active Suspension in Full Vehicle with Neurofuzzy Controller”, IJAIA International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), ISNN: 0976-2191, Vol.2, No.2, April 2011, pp. 32-43. http://airccse.org/journal/ijaia/current2011.html.
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang.” Design an Intelligent Controller for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension Systems” International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Accepted and it will be published on June 2011.
2010 B. Trovr , W.J.Wang, et al, Extraction of Vibration Feature Using Purpose Designed Wavelets for Heart Diagnosis, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition July 2010, Qingdao, ISBN 978-1-424, 4-6528-6, pp398-
2010 M. A. Al-Manie and W.J. Wang, Time-Frequency Analysis by Evolutionary Periodogram with Application in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Volume: 8, Issue: 5 (September) 2010. pp 679-693 (IF 1.17)
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang. “Evolutionary Algorithm Based Fractional Order PIλDμ  Controller Design for a Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension System”, 10th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control AVEC’10, August 22-26 2010Loughborough, UK, pp. 18-25.
2010 Ammar A. Aldair and Weiji J. Wang. “Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Controller for Full Vehicle Nonlinear Active Suspension Systems”, 1st International Conference on Energy, Power and Control, the University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq, November 30 to December 02, 2010, pp. 97- 106. (Note: Conference proceeding has been approved to be published by the IEEE organization at the IEEE Explore digital library).
2009 W.J.Wang, Guest Editor, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Special Issue on Wavelet Transform for Condition Based Maintenance, ISSN 0219-6913, July
2008 G. M. Ascanio, W. J. Wang. / Turbocharged Diesel Engine Performance Monitoring and Diagnosis using System Identification Techniques/. Proceeding of the 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control ,MIC 2008. Innsbruck, Austria.
2007 G. M. Ascanio, W. J. Wang. /Diesel Engine Turbocharger Performance Monitoring using Vibration Analysis/. Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, ICE 2007. Capri, Italy. SAE Technical paper 2007-24-0082.
2005 D.F. Shi, W.J. Wang, P.J.Unsworth and L.S.Qu, ‘Purification and feature extration of shaft orbits for diagnosing large rotating machinery’, Journal of Sound and Vibration 279 (2005), p581–600.
2004 F. Shi, W. J. Wang, L.S.Qu, ‘ Defects Detection for Bearings: Using Envelope Spectra of Wavelet Transforms’, Transactions of The ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. Vol.126, 2004, p567-573.
2004 W.J. Wang, ‘Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis for Power Machines’, UK Power  (2) 2004, p57-58
2002 D.J. Chen and W.J.Wang, “Pattern Classification of Wavelet Map Using MultiLayer Perceptron Neural Networks for Gear Fault Detection”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. pp. 695-704
2001 W.J.Wang, “Wavelets for Detecting Mechanical faults with High Sensitivity”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.Vol. 15, No.4, p695-696.
2001 G.T.Zheng and W.J.Wang, “A New Cepstral Analysis Procedure of Recovering Excitations for Recovering Excitations for Transient Components of Vibration Signals and Applications to Rotating Machinery Condition Monitoring”. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. Vol 123, No.2, p222-229
10/1999 S.Raw & W.J.Wang, “How to Control Hand and Arm Vibration”, Training Solutions for Health & Safety, p6-9, UK
1999 G.X. Ren, Z.C. Zheng & W.J. Wang, “Vibration Characteristics of Multiple Bladed Systems”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 225(4), 1999, p597-610.
1997 Z.C. Zheng, G.X. Ren & W.J. Wang, “Large Scale Unsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem in Structural Dynamics”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.199, No.2, 253-268.
1996 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, “Application of wavelets to gearbox vibration signals for fault detection”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, UK. Vol. 192, No. 5, 927-939.
1996 W.J. Wang, "Wavelet Transform in Vibration Analysis for Mechanical Fault Diagnosis", Shock and Vibration, John Wiley & Sons, Vol.3, No.1, pp17-26, 1996
1995 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, "Application of Orthogonal Wavelets to Early Gear Damage Detection", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.9, No.5, p497-507.
1995 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, "Decomposition of Gear Motion Signals and Its Application to Gearbox Diagnostics", Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol 117, No 3(A), p363-369.
1994 W.J. Wang, "Wavelet Transform in Vibration Analysis for Mechanical Fault Diagnosis", The Shock and Vibration Bulletin, USA.
1993 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, "Early Detection of Gear Failure by Vibration Analysis--I. Calculation of the Time-Frequency Distribution", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , Vol.7, No. 3, p193-203.
1993 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, "Early Detection of Gear Failure by Vibration Analysis--II. "Interpretation of the Time-Frequency Distribution Using Image Processing Techniques", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , Vol.7, No. 3,p205-215.
1993 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, "Application of the Wavelet Transform to Gearbox Vibration Analysis", ASME PD-Vol. 52, Structural Dynamics and Vibration, p15-20, 1993, USA.
1993 W.J. Wang & P.D.McFadden, "Analysis of Gear Motion Excitation by Kinematic Modelling and 3-dimensional Energy Spectrum of Structural Responses", ASME PD-Vol. 52, Structural Dynamics and Vibration, p91-99, 1993, USA.
1987 W.J.Wang & A.Z. Zhang, "Structural Fault Diagnosis and Monitoring with Sensitive Domain of Vibration Characteristics," Aerospace Engineering, No.3,1987, China.
1986 W.J.Wang & A.Z. Zhang, "Structural Fault Diagnosis by Measured Sensitive Vibration Characteristics," Journal of Vibration and Instrumentation, No.2, 1986, China. p1-12.
1985 W.J.Wang & S.J.Zhu, "The Sensitivity of Structural Vibration Properties to Failure and Failure Diagnosis," Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No.4, 1985, China.
1985 W.J.Wang & S.J.Zhu, "A Modal Synthesis of the Multi-substructural Systems," Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No.4, 1985, China.
3/1985 W.J.Wang & S.J.Zhu, "Error and Its Surmounting in Free-interface Substructure Synthesis Method," Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No.1, 1985, China.