


International Symposium of Ocean and Marine Technologies



由浙江省自然科学基金委、yabo88体育官网下载 ,船港机械装备技术浙江省重点实验室主办,机械工程学院承办的“海洋与船港机械技术国际研讨会”,将于2014年6月6日-7日在yabo88体育官网下载 召开。研讨会将邀请国内外海洋与船港机械技术领域的专家学者作专题报告。要求省重点科技创新团队项目、院学术骨干与团队项目课题组,每个项目提交一篇论文。欢迎教师、研究生和本科生踊跃投稿。研讨会的主题:










                                                                       International Symposium of Ocean and Marine Technologies


                                                                                                  First Announcement


        The International Symposium of Ocean and Marine Technologies will be held in Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China on 6-7 June 2014. The symposium is sponsored by The Natural Science Research Fund of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou Dianzi University and Key Laboratory of Marine and Harbor Equipment Technology. The symposium is organized by School of Mechanical Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University.


        The topics will be but not limited to:


            1. Equipments in ocean engineering

            2. Marine and harbor equipments

            3. Ocean environment and remote sensing

            4. Marine telecommunication and navigation

            5. Electronics for marine applications

            6. Fluid mechanics in ocean engineering and environment


        The papers, written in English, should be no more than 6 A4 pages. The example paper layout can be downloaded from the link below. Please send the manuscripts to panhuachen@gmail.com no later than 10 May 2014.

                                                                                                                                                     School  Of  Mechanical  Engineering   HDU
                                                                                                                                                                               2014/ 03/ 17

The example paper layout can be downloaded from the link below.

